I will cover as many sides as possible, even some people might consider conspiratory.
Published on August 29, 2010 By Callesen58 In WOM Mods

I  have been tinkering with adding elementium ore as a very rare resource, using existing models and all that.

I get them to show up in map editor, and I am able to place them all over the map, but once I go into a game they disappear.

List of XMLs I have overwritten/added:









Am I missing some XMLs?

Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 29, 2010

Just to be clear, what exactly have you done in CoreWorldResources.xml? The file is not actually supposed to be changed, and if you absolutely have to it requires a procedure to regenerate the data.zip file in the game.

on Aug 29, 2010

Just to be clear, what exactly have you done in CoreWorldResources.xml? The file is not actually supposed to be changed, and if you absolutely have to it requires a procedure to regenerate the data.zip file in the game.


I had to make it able to spawn by itself, so I added:

Code: xml
  1.     <ResourceType InternalName="ElementiumOre">
  2.         <DisplayName>Elementium Deposit</DisplayName>
  3.         <Type>ElementiumOre</Type>
  4.         <Description>Building a Mine here produces Elementium</Description>
  5.         <LongDescription>Elementium is the rarest of resources, used in all sorts of magical equipment</LongDescription>
  6.         <PreferredTerrain>Land</PreferredTerrain>
  7.         <NeedsToBeUnlocked>0</NeedsToBeUnlocked>
  8.         <HarvestType>Mining</HarvestType>
  9.         <IconColor>0,0,0</IconColor>
  10.         <Icon>Gfx//Icons//Icon_Metal.png</Icon>
  11.         <ClothIcon>gfx\\TacticalIcons\\Res_VentiOre1.png</ClothIcon>
  12.         <TileDesign>R_Elementium_01</TileDesign>
  13.         <ModelColor>32,0,0</ModelColor>
  14.         <Production>1.0</Production>
  15.         <Worth>5</Worth>
  16.         <Global>0</Global>
  17.     <Rarity>25</Rarity>
  18.         <Stored>0</Stored>
  19.         <RummagedPerTurn>1.0</RummagedPerTurn>
  20.         <Medallions InternalName="IronOre_Res_Medallions">
  21.             <All>Res_Ores_Plains.png</All>
  22.         </Medallions>
  23.         <OnSelectSFX>Click_IronOre_01</OnSelectSFX>
  24.     </ResourceType>
  25. </ResourceTypes>

To my coreworldresourcesoveride.xml in the mods directory.

on Aug 29, 2010

Could you upload your files?

on Aug 30, 2010

Could you upload your files?


Will do so when I get home.


In the mentione, do you know if anyone has succesfully added custom resource nodes?

on Aug 30, 2010

Btw silly question but never found what is elementium for.

on Aug 30, 2010

Used for creating the 'Legendary X' gear for UNITS.

on Aug 30, 2010

Ah thx for the answer.

on Aug 30, 2010

I believe there was a video way back by frogboy claiming how easy it would be to add resources to the game

on Aug 30, 2010

I'd really love to get my hands on this mod, a pity the code function on Stardock forums sucks so epically or I'd just ask for the code and insert it all myself, but Stardock's hard to read color coded numbered mess of un-sized tabled crap makes copy and pasting it useless and reading it a pain.

on Aug 30, 2010

This is a working worldresourcemod.xml (it WILL add elementium nodes to fresh worlds)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <DataChecksum NoParse="1">

    <!--************** Core Resources ****************-->

    <ResourceType InternalName="ElementiumOre">
        <DisplayName>Elementium Deposit</DisplayName>
        <Description>Building a Mine here produces one Elementium every ten turns.</Description>
        <LongDescription>Elementium is the stuff of legends. Even when located, it requires excessive amounts of labour to harvest, due to how little is found in the ground.</LongDescription>
        <Medallions InternalName="IronOre_Res_Medallions">

And this is a working (cross-faction) building to mine it.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <DataChecksum NoParse="1">

<!-- ************ -->
    <!-- ** Stable ** -->
    <!-- ************ -->
    <ImprovementType InternalName="ElementiumMine_testmod">
        <!-- Improvement Data -->
        <DisplayName>Elementium Mine</DisplayName>
        <Description>Elementium Mines produce one Elementium every ten turns.</Description>
    <Medallions InternalName="">
        <!-- Prerequisites -->
      <!-- Cost -->

    <!-- Production -->

    <AIData AIPersonality="AI_General">
        <!-- Base Improvement Modifiers -->


Note that I've not updated or changed any of the icons, so it will look like a ventri ore when unbuilt, and like a kingdom stable when built. I ignored those things and just tried to get it working.

on Aug 30, 2010

I'm getting Can't Build: This resource cannot be used by us errors when I hover over the icon, otherwise it shows up in the game just fine.


(Though that may also be because I kept trying to add the "Elementium" resource you add can on the object, seems you could harvest elementium once. )

on Aug 30, 2010

Yeah, there's an Elementium resource node in the map creator, but that doesn't work. Scroll to the bottom and use Elementium Deposit for the stuff I posted above

on Aug 31, 2010

Yeah, there's an Elementium resource node in the map creator, but that doesn't work. Scroll to the bottom and use Elementium Deposit for the stuff I posted above


I did, but as I noted earlier I get an error saying I can't use the resource. Tried both with a kingdom and empire faction, and it was the same result.


Edit: Do you think the bugged elemental resource node is also <Type>ElementiumOre</Type>? Might just change the type and resource requirement to something random when I get home.

on Aug 31, 2010

I'm out of ideas

If you've got two files in your /Mods/ folder that look like



and still can't build anything on them, make sure you move everything you've made out of the folder, Other than that, I can't think of a thing why it would work for me, but not for you. (You've got "Use mods" in options ON, right? some players also had to enable or disable "use localized data" to use mods)

Even if you got ten other resources that give ElementiumOre, that should not matter. The building should be buildable on ANY resource with that type - that's how they did half the farms in the game, using the same type FertileLand for about 5-6 resources.

on Aug 31, 2010

I'm out of ideas

If you've got two files in your /Mods/ folder that look like



and still can't build anything on them, make sure you move everything you've made out of the folder, Other than that, I can't think of a thing why it would work for me, but not for you. (You've got "Use mods" in options ON, right? some players also had to enable or disable "use localized data" to use mods)

Even if you got ten other resources that give ElementiumOre, that should not matter. The building should be buildable on ANY resource with that type - that's how they did half the farms in the game, using the same type FertileLand for about 5-6 resources.


Went through all the steps, even saw that I had removed the </ImprovementTypes> at the bottom by accident but no relief. Of course the mods work aswell, since I succesfully modded the soverigns to give 5 points per level up, to make them scale with elite companies.

Anyhow, something is definitely amiss. Might try a reinstall.

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