I will cover as many sides as possible, even some people might consider conspiratory.
Published on August 29, 2010 By Callesen58 In WOM Mods

I  have been tinkering with adding elementium ore as a very rare resource, using existing models and all that.

I get them to show up in map editor, and I am able to place them all over the map, but once I go into a game they disappear.

List of XMLs I have overwritten/added:









Am I missing some XMLs?

Comments (Page 2)
2 Pages1 2 
on Aug 31, 2010

Is there a function in there that requires you to add a resource type to the counters?  Is there an "elementiumresourcetype" to keep track of how much you have? 

on Aug 31, 2010

There's already elementium in the game, so there's no need to mod that in.

on Sep 01, 2010

Seems reinstalling made it work, somehow. Time to go off and make more custom resources.

on Sep 01, 2010

Now that is seriously odd. Oh well, problem solved eh?

2 Pages1 2